Articles Written by Michael Ventriello

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You Saw Some Great Products at the Dental Meeting. Have You Been Told to Curb Your Enthusiasm?
Many of the products you might see at a dental meeting could be used to improve patient care or practice efficiency. But how often have you been brushed off by a dentist when you try to share what you learned? With a little planning, you can make a powerful business and clinical argument for incorporating new products into your practice...
Do Dentists Need to Doctor Up on Oral-Systemic Health?
Michael Ventriello, owner of Ventriello Communications and an experienced voice in dental public relations, examines the need for more communication and collaboration around periodontal disease. Dentists and hygienists need to have difficult conversations with their patients and also work to bridge the dentist-physician communication gap, he writes.
6 Ways to Find and Purge Social Media Deadbeats
Dead weight on your social media accounts won't help your business succeed...
What Will It Take to Improve Oral Cancer Statistics?
As we wind down another Oral Cancer Awareness Month, the dental industry is confronted with statistics that indicate a rise in oral cancers, which include those of the oral cavity and the oropharynx. Why is this?
Is the Dental Press Release Dead?
Although there is an ongoing debate whether or not the press release is still relevant as a public relations tool, I believe that the press release is very much alive—but not necessarily well. Let me explain...
Should You Ring in The New Year by Hiring a Marketing Consultant?
Like most independent business owners, the average dentist typically assumes the responsibility for his or her own marketing. But is this a good thing? The answer can often be summed up by paraphrasing Clint Eastwood's Dirty Harry character. “A dentist's got to know his or her limitations.”
Are You Keeping Oral-Systemic Secrets?
In my humble layperson’s opinion (IMHLPO), one of the responsibilities of dental professionals is to inform their patients of the many oral-systemic health links, and to reinforce the fact that the health of their mouths often determines their overall health...
Do Dentists Need To Doctor Up on Oral Cancer?
Michael Ventriello, owner of Ventriello Communications and an experienced voice in dental public relations, explains why he "fired" his dentist over the lack of oral cancer screening. He writes that dentists and hygienists need to embrace examination tools and protocols to improve oral cancer screening and survival rates.
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