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I Used to be a Blogger. Then I Wasn't. Now I am!


Updated: May 21, 2020

Let me explain...

Several years ago, I had a blog named "The Dental Flak".

I blogged whenever I was in the mood on topics that I cared about regarding dental public relations and marketing, the dental industry in general, and human nature, with a lot of pop culture references thrown in to amuse myself - If it ain't fun why bother?

What I lacked in frequency, I made up in pithy commentary and observations - That's what I told myself. But my self-delusion aside, The Dental Flak, did garner some street cred. Even, ranked high in the dentistry category on All-Top and Technorati.

Woo-hoo! That and 50 cents could get me on the Garden State Parkway!

Then one day, I logged into my blog to post an update when I discovered my domain was hijacked. was not yet scheduled for renewal, yet someone had snapped it up and was using it and still is to this day!

Check it out! I think I'm blogging Japanese, I think I'm blogging Japanese, I really think so - but I'm not sure.

Go Daddy and Blogger (owned by Google) were of no help. Have you ever tried to get one of these internet companies on the phone? So rather than waste any more time, I decided I would start a new blog with a new domain. It just took me a few years to get around to it!

Will it be worth the wait? Ultimately, you will have to decide. But my blog, renamed the V-Blog will continue to be random rants and sometimes snarky observations from yours truly. Here are some blog topic ideas I've been tossing around.

  • Marketing Tips

  • Industry Opinions and Observations

  • Book Reviews

  • Dental Meeting Reports

  • News from Clients and Other Companies

  • Advances in Oral-Systemic Health

  • Interviews

  • Guest Bloggers

  • The Best of DentalFlak

I'm also open to suggestions, guest blog inquiries and receiving industry news releases that don't compete with my current clients - Sorry. Contact me at

Thanks for reading, Stay tuned for more!



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